Unido – CGLME

Project against depletion of marine living resources and degradation of coastal areas in the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem (GCLME) through regional action – Establishment of guidelines for the preparation of National Action Plans (NAPs) for the implementation of the GCLME Strategic Action Program (SAP).

  • Conduct a rapid review of all national action plans and similar documents from multiple sources
  • Conduct overview of best practice on national action planning
  • Prepare guidelines for national action plans.
  • Conduct training workshop of national representatives and consultations for NAP formulation and to develop a road map.
  • Conduct mid-term review of progress and update road map.
  • Undertake a final review of NAPs and a review of the proposed investment projects.
  • Assist at final workshop to present national investment projects.
  • Prepare a final report of the work.

Sogreah-Magelis – Enermad

One – Project ASCLME
