Study of the development plan and the protection mode of the Marine Protected Area in Nosy Tanikely, Madagascar

Detailed study of the development plan and the protection mode of the future Marine and Coastal Protected Area (MCPA) of Tanikely – Nosy Be. As part of the Integrated Growth Pole (IGP) Project by the World Bank and the government of Madagascar.

  • Accuracy of the exact location of various facilities to establish in the future service area of the site;
  • Updating and validation of the management plan and management for the site;
  • Development of a budgeted action plan to transform the site as a marine and coastal protected area;
  • Development of a geo-referenced map with different areas;
  • Validation of the preliminary draft of a temporary protection order

Development of the Lake Bedo’s management plan

Establishment of a Marine Protected Area in Nosy Tanikely, Madagascar
