In addition to services relevant to both private and public sector clients (EIA, auditing, offsetting, etc.), RESOLVE continues to provide services required by public sector clients such as project design and evaluation, environmental research, natural resources management planning, biodiversity conservation planning, environmental policy formulation and mediation, training & facilitation and technical publications.
Blue Economy

Blue Economy refers to the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, livelihoods, and ecosystem health. At RESOLVE, we specialise in crafting tailored business strategies to harness the potential of the Blue Economy while...
Environmental Policy & Legislation

RESOLVE evaluates existing environmental policies and legislation. And it also develops new environmental and development policies and the associated legislation. For conservation projects, RESOLVE undertakes spatial planning that includes the development of GIS systems and...
Environmental Research

RESOLVE undertakes environmental research, including biodiversity surveys, natural resource assessments (fishing and forestry), commercial species survey, ecotourism studies, marine biodiversity research, environmental law research and technical literature reviews.
Land Tenure

RESOLVE has an extensive experience in mediation, training and facilitation, including mediation of environmental and other disputes, land tenure negotiation, access and right to use, training in natural resource management (fishing, forestry, aquaculture, agriculture, marine...
Marine Fisheries

RESOLVE undertakes the assessment of marine fisheries, endangered marine species and other resources. All the necessary data for that assessment is collected from field missions. Once the marine resources are assessed, RESOLVE can design regional...
Protected Areas and Biodiversity

RESOLVE supports the design and evaluation of protected areas, focusing on sustainable management, economic valuation, and comprehensive conservation planning.
Technical Publications

RESOLVE coordinated or assisted in the writing, editing, production and publication of several environmental management books and guides.